Yoga for Depression


Depression roots from your mind and though patterns, with a result of negative thinking. Negative thinking puts us under constant stress, tension, sadness, discouragement and puts us in a bad mood. Being depressed for too long can cause loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness, sleep disturbances and thought of death or suicide. This can affect the people around you and the quality of your life.

Adding yoga into your life can bring true balance within yourself that will combat depression. Yoga postures put pressure on hormonal glands and organs. This helps them to produce the healing and soothing chemical balance that is needed to feel happy and full of life. Yoga exercises improve circulation throughout the body, sending fresh oxygen to your brain and all your muscles.

This is important, especially for people who are inactive. The movements in yoga flush toxins from the body as well, through stretching and strengthening.

Depression can happen gradually, as breathing patterns change. This can be from a combination of life changing events, such as: a new job, a change of residence, stress, age, illness or a loss of a loved one.

The invigorating breathing techniques of Yoga bring large amounts of fresh oxygen to the brain and to other parts of the body. Like a breath of fresh air, it blows through the system and brings new light and strength to the unused parts of the body and mind where depression hides.

It's even scientifically proven that Yoga can combat depression, stress and anxiety.

Brain scans were taken from yoga practitioners, and from non-practitioners to compare after an hour of yoga practice. The study revealed that the practitioners who took a one hour yoga class showed a healthy boost in levels of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric (GABA) immediately after. This was compared to the non-practitioners who didn't attend the class.

Having low brain levels of GABA are associated with anxiety and depression, according to the study. Yoga is definitely on the horizon to lift up your spirits emotionally, physically and mentally.

1 comment:

  1. It is great what I have reed all about anxiety disorders. My whole life has been fears, worries and a strugle anxiety which controls all I could be. Yeah....Prozac and valium are my "supports" in this case. Besides that, my psychologist says I have a cronic depression and I that's a diagnostic just can't believe on... Where can I find my path? I don't want more drugs! I need to find me.... to be me! I have lost my faith on medicine doctors...... they don't care about our spirituality and I believe I would make all the difference.... thank you.
