Diet holds an important place in yoga, Ayurveda and naturopathy. It is essential not only to maintain good health, but for the treatment of various ailments, also. Many food items and spices along with herbs are used to treat various health problems. In yoga and Ayurveda, food is categorized as being of three types- rajsik, tamsik and satvik. No vegetarian food is rajsik, tamsik or satvik by itself, it mostly depends on the preparation of the food.
Rajsik food is meant for rajas (Kings) and people of warrior class and it is composed of baked and fried things. This kind of food is rich in calories and is energetic in nature. This kind of food is heavy and leads to weight gain etc.
Tamsik food is full of fats, spices, salts and seasonings. This kind of food makes an individual lethargic and increases his/her tendencies to be short tempered.
Satvik food is the food that is fresh, have little or no spices and seasonings and is vegetarian. It is light, energetic, refreshing and full of nutrients. It consists of whole grains, fresh vegetables and fresh fruits. Sprouts are good to consume and these are a part of yogic diet. Dairy products in moderation are included in the satvik/yogic diet.
Here are a few foods that people practicing yoga should avoid eating- non-vegetarian stuff, processed and junk foods, over-spiced food with garlic and onions, stale food items, and white sugar. Consumption of alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and stimulants is prohibited.
Some Important Points
The number of times you eat in a day should be less. If you eat many times a day, there is no scope for rest for digestive system and it will result in poor digestive system.
There should be preset times for eating and this should be followed every day. It will boost the digestive system and will help in tacking many digestive system related problems.
* Use fresh vegetables in your food.
* It is important to have seasonal fruits in your diet.
* One should consume whole grains and pulses, instead of refined ones.
* The food should be simple and light.
* Eat only when you feel hungry.
* Eat according to the need; do not overeat.
* While taking food, focus on your food only.
* When you eat, you should have sufficient time to eat.
* Chew properly before eating anything. Don't put next bite in mouth before the earlier one is chewed properly.
* For 15-20 minutes, lye on left side after taking food.
* Do not eat just after waking up.
* Do not eat in a sad, angry, or troubled mood.
* Do not eat the items that you do not want to eat.
* Do not eat very hot or very cold food items. And if you eat such a food item, eat it slowly.
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